Saturday, January 22, 2011

You've Got Mail

When I went searching for a cute way to keep some of my son's school Valentine's in his scrapbook without pasting them all over the page, I came across this cute idea.

Inspiration struck with an article about Hidden Journaling. One idea was to conceal some jounraling inside an adorable mailbox! What better way to incorporate his valentine's into his page?!

It's easy to achieve the look: using either an appropriate paper piecing

or using your Cricut, create the mailbox-shape envelope with a flip-down door. It'll give access to the journaling, or, in my case, old Valentine's cards, that are cleverly hidden inside!

Jennifer created a mailbox-shape envelope with a flip-down door to give access to the journaling that's cleverly hidden inside. She also included a simple cardstock pocket at the bottom of the page to house love notes penned by her daughter.